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PBO, Sumithrin

  • Workhorse product line of choice for mosquito control programs across the country
  • 在广泛的生境中以低速率有效
  • 即食产品,可以使用纯或稀释
  • 在使用过程中几乎没有气味
  • 良好的环境概况
  • 2+2配方主要用于地面应用
  • 10+10 offers flexibility for aerial or ground applications
  • May be applied over agricultural areas for the control of adult mosquitoes



铁砧® is a proprietary 乐虎网 adulticide that offers superior performance for controlling mosquito populations in virtually all adult mosquito habitats. 主力产品, 铁砧 formulations are products of choice for mosquito control programs conducting routine or emergency response mosquito control.

自1999年乐虎网推出铁砧产品线以来, it has proven to be a highly effective tool for combating both nuisance mosquito species and those that can vector diseases like West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). This has led to its reputation as being the product of choice for the country’s most high-profile mosquito outbreaks.

  • 证明性能 在紧急情况下
  • 作物耐受性标签 广泛的应用灵活性
  • 有效的 乐虎网最常见的病媒物种


铁砧中的有效成分® 一种IRAC 3A级合成拟除虫菊酯是否称为Sumithrin, available exclusively to 乐虎网 for public health mosquito control products. 它模仿自然衍生的, 植物杀虫剂, 被称为除虫菊酯, 存在于菊花中.

在铁砧和Aqua铁砧中, Sumithrin与增效剂结合使用, 胡椒酰丁醇(PBO), to enhance its ability to provide fast knockdown and control of wild mosquito populations.


铁砧 delivers consistent and reliable mosquito control efficacy with a favorable environmental profile for wide area use.


Sumithrin is photolabile, meaning that the molecule easily decomposes in the presence of sunlight. In the absence of sunlight, moderately rapid aerobic and anaerobic soil degradation occurs. 降解副产物也是不持久的.


铁砧 is applied in a manner that limits deposition in the treatment area, and applications will not pose a risk to healthy aquatic habitats. However, direct exposure to this product does present risk to some aquatic organisms. Please refer to the product label for specific organisms of concern and for application instruction designed to mitigate non-target risks.


铁砧应用后, trace amounts of Sumithrin will bind to and remain in the soil, 并且不会进一步进入植物, 通过土柱, or become concentrated in the bodies of living things (bioaccumulation).


The EPA has evaluated 铁砧 and determined that using it according to label guidelines, 在住宅区, including in and around gardens and over non-organic agricultural crop areas, 不会对人类或动物造成重大危险. 铁砧对哺乳动物的毒性很低.


Because of the manner in which 铁砧 is applied and the time of day it is applied, 治疗不应影响有益, 传粉昆虫, 像蜜蜂和蝴蝶. 铁砧 is applied in small droplets, which break down quickly in 环境. Since the product must hit a mosquito while it is in flight to have an effect, it is sprayed at night when mosquitoes are actively flying and when other insects, 比如蜜蜂和蝴蝶, 不活跃. 处理区域内的残留物是无毒的.


铁砧 formulations are labeled for mosquito control applications by ground or air, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of customers and habitats, 包括社区, 高尔夫球场, 居住区和娱乐环境. The product’s crop tolerance labeling for use in and around agricultural areas also makes it a great choice for communities that surround non-organic agricultural farms.

铁砧10 + 10 is often the product of choice for aerial applications, whereas 铁砧2 + 2 is most typically applied by ground (truck, ATV, 或双肩包ULV系统).  Please see the product labels for application rate guidance and other use information.

铁砧 formulations are oil-based and require no excessive mixing, 使其成为一种易于使用的防蚊产品. The formulation is non-corroding to your application systems and has been optimized for performance through all standard ULV application equipment.


铁砧 is the brand name for a line of adult mosquito control products that have been used with great success to help control adult mosquito populations for many years. 乐虎网 introduced the EPA-registered 铁砧 brand of adulticides in 1997.

铁砧 and Aqua铁砧 share the same active ingredient, sumithrin. This is a synthetic pyrethroid made mimic the insect-killing (insecticidal) properties of natural substances called “pyrethrins” in chrysanthemum flowers. 铁砧和Aqua铁砧也含有胡椒酰丁醇, 一种以极低剂量率提高疗效的增效剂.


Rotating products and modes of action in your control program is responsible stewardship, 艾滋病的耐药性管理, 并延长了所有产品的使用寿命.

产品创新副总裁 & 政府事务


Need support identifying the right potential products for your program? Our team of control consultants and customer care professionals are here to help you with any inquiry.




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Let’s talk about what a more sustainable aquatic or mosquito control program looks like for you.
